• What is Coaching?

    Coaching is a partnership where a coach and client come together to accomplish a specific measurable goal.

  • Who is this for?

    Anyone that is interested in exploring areas of their life where they feel stuck, have a difficult decision to make or finding balance.

  • Why consider a Coach?

    A coach can assist in navigating and identifying potential obstacles and barriers that are preventing you from achieving a goal.

  • What does a Coach do?

    A Coach uses a client-focused and client directed approach.

    A coach's job is to be a support and hold space for the client.

  • What is the difference between a therapy and coaching?

    Coaching: Is client-focused & Directed, exists as a co-equal partnership. Therapy: involves medical treatment, focuses on processing and healing of past experiences.

  • When can you start?

    The coaching process can begin once the coach and client have established the agreement. It can last as long as a client decides to remain engaged with the partnership.